How to Install a .deb File – Using dpkg -i or apt – Unix & Linux

How to Install a .deb File – Using dpkg -i or apt – Unix & Linux

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Written By Eric Sandler

On Unix and Linux systems, especially those based on Debian (like Ubuntu), software is often distributed in .deb files. These .deb packages contain precompiled software along with metadata and dependencies required for installation. There are two primary ways to install .deb files: using dpkg or apt. While both methods are effective, they serve different purposes and have some key differences in how they handle dependencies.

This guide will explain how to install .deb files using both dpkg and apt, and help you choose the right tool for your needs.

What Is a .deb File?

A .deb file is a Debian software package that contains the files needed to install a program. It’s commonly used on Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and others. Inside the .deb file are the software binaries, libraries, and configuration files required to run the application.

Method 1: Installing a .deb File Using dpkg -i

The dpkg command is a low-level package manager for Debian-based systems. It works directly with .deb files, but it doesn’t automatically handle dependencies.

Step 1: Download the .deb File

First, ensure you have the .deb file you want to install. You can download it from a trusted source, or you might already have it on your system.

For example:


Step 2: Install the .deb File Using dpkg -i

To install a .deb package using dpkg, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the directory where your .deb file is located, or specify the full path to the file.
  3. Run the following command:
   sudo dpkg -i package.deb

Replace package.deb with the actual file name of the .deb package.

Step 3: Fix Missing Dependencies (If Necessary)

Unlike apt, dpkg doesn’t automatically resolve dependencies. If the package requires additional libraries or dependencies, dpkg will throw an error, and you’ll need to install the missing dependencies manually.

If you encounter a dependency error, you can resolve it by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install -f

This will automatically fetch and install any missing dependencies.


sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

If there are missing dependencies, you will see an error message. After that, run:

sudo apt-get install -f

This will install the missing dependencies and finish the installation process.

Method 2: Installing a .deb File Using apt

Unlike dpkg, apt is a high-level package manager that not only installs .deb files but also manages dependencies automatically. When using apt, you don’t have to worry about manually resolving dependencies because it handles everything for you.

Step 1: Download the .deb File

As with dpkg, ensure you have the .deb file you want to install. Download it using a browser or terminal.

Step 2: Install the .deb File Using apt

To install the .deb file using apt, run the following command:

sudo apt install ./package.deb

Note: You need to include the ./ in front of the file name to specify that it’s a local file and not a package from the repositories.

apt will automatically detect any missing dependencies and install them along with the .deb file.


sudo apt install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

This command will install the package and fetch any required dependencies from the repositories.

dpkg vs apt: Which One Should You Use?

  • Use dpkg if you prefer direct control over the installation process and don’t mind resolving dependencies manually. dpkg is faster for local installations but less user-friendly when handling complex packages that require additional dependencies.
  • Use apt if you want a smoother experience where the system automatically manages dependencies for you. apt ensures that all required packages are installed, saving you the trouble of fixing missing dependencies manually.

Summary of Key Differences:

Does not handle dependencies automaticallyHandles dependencies automatically
Directly installs .deb filesFetches required dependencies from repositories
Fast but may require manual interventionSlower but more reliable for resolving dependencies

Removing Installed Packages

If you need to remove a package installed via dpkg or apt, you can use the following commands:

Remove a Package Installed with dpkg

sudo dpkg --remove package_name

Remove a Package Installed with apt

sudo apt remove package_name

Both commands remove the installed package, but apt will also remove related packages or dependencies if they were installed automatically.


Installing .deb files in Unix and Linux is a straightforward process, and you can use either dpkg or apt depending on your needs. dpkg -i is a simple way to install .deb files directly, but it requires manual intervention for dependencies.

On the other hand, apt install provides a more user-friendly experience by automatically handling dependencies, making it a better choice for most users. Now that you know both methods, you can choose the one that best suits your workflow.

Eric Sandler

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