A Fortress at Home: Top Strategies to Bulletproof Your Home Network

A Fortress at Home: Top Strategies to Bulletproof Your Home Network

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Written By Eric Sandler

The UK is one of the most connected countries in the world. Data from 2023 reveals that 99.7% of homes in the region have access to internet running at a minimum of 10 Mbps. Although Ethernet is always preferable, most households use Wi-Fi due to its convenience.

A home network with Wi-Fi capabilities introduces new risks and more significant vulnerabilities. These can be exploited by those seeking access to your network in the hope of stealing private information or performing other illicit deeds.

Despite this, many home network owners believe that a cyber attack will never happen to them – an unwise attitude that could endanger you and anyone you allow to connect to your network. However, by following the simple steps below, you can ensure your network is secure and that you don’t fall victim to the millions of cyber attacks launched in the UK each year.

Location, Location, Location

As simple as it may sound, the location of your router can play a large part in keeping your network secure. This is because, as the origin of your Wi-Fi signal, your router dictates the reach of your network. Having your router in the wrong location, such as in the living room close to the street, could cause your Wi-Fi signal to be picked up by those passing by. This allows almost anybody to attempt to connect and possibly infiltrate your network.

Moving your router to a more central location in your home can fix this. By doing so, your network may no longer ‘spill out’ of your property’s boundaries, and anyone wishing to connect must be within a space you can see or at least be aware of.

Don’t Default

Tempting as it may be, leaving your router set to its default settings is as bad as offering an open invitation to connect to your network. These details can be found easily in the public domain and allow those with sinister intentions unrestricted access to your home’s connection. Therefore, when setting up your network, it is essential to change any defaults that your router may have come with. These include your SSID name, admin username and password, and Wi-Fi password.

Making usernames and SSIDs challenging to guess and using complex passwords will help ensure your router is locked down securely. And should someone install your network for you, ensure they know to change these things, too.

Run in Circles

Many routers available today can operate a guest network alongside your primary network. If you often have people coming to call, enabling this guest mode is a great way to ensure you keep your inner circle of connected devices safe from outside influence and dangers. A guest network creates a secondary mesh to which guests can connect, allowing them access to the internet via their localised network.

Anyone linking to this cannot access your primary network or see what devices are on it. This ensures the integrity of your main network and protects against malicious software arriving through someone else’s device. As a bonus, it also allows you to throttle the speed of your guests to ensure you always have the fastest connection possible.

Pick Your Type

While WPA and WEP were once highly regarded in securing your Wi-Fi, times have changed, and new types have taken over the security mandate. WPA2 and WPA3 are the latest industry standards for securing your network. Both protocols encrypt your data as it traverses the internet and creates a more secure browsing environment. Therefore, ensuring that your router uses one of these is essential to keeping your security up to date.

Should your router not support these, attempt to run a software or firmware update – particularly if this hasn’t been done for a while. If they are still not supported, getting a new router that offers
more support for newer security methods may be best.

Opt Out

Many routers come with a host of features designed to make managing and maintaining them more efficient and streamlined. While these features achieve this, they also open the router to multiple vulnerabilities others can exploit.

Therefore, when configuring your router, it is always a good idea to turn any of these convenience features off. These include remote management, Wi-Fi-protected setup (WPS), and universal plug- and-play (UPnP).

While these features undoubtedly make your life easier when connecting new devices to your network, they also come with significant security concerns that should not be taken lightly and aren’t worth risking simply for some convenience.

Always Fresh, Always New

From your router to the devices you connect to it, tech gadget manufacturers are constantly improving their products. In many cases, these improvements come in the form of updates that can be downloaded and installed.

Many updates pushed by manufacturers are security updates. These are used to fix known entry points into systems and to beef up a device’s security. Ensuring you keep all your devices, including your main router, up to date with the latest updates available can help secure any weak points in your network.

Having up-to-date software can help ensure that you remain protected against threats even when you’re posting on social media or trying to spin the reels on-the-go with ease.

Fire It Up

Home consumers often think of a firewall as device-specific. This may be because their laptop boasts one or because one came with that anti-virus software they purchased. In truth, some routers come equipped with a firewall that only needs to be enabled to begin

Having this firewall on a router versus a single device can dramatically affect security, as it protects all devices connected, not just the one on which the firewall is active. This firewall can help protect your system from incoming attacks and will work to stop any communication with devices you haven’t authorised. This will go a long way in ensuring that your network stays secure.


In an increasingly connected world, securing your home network is not just a recommendation—it’s a necessity. By strategically placing your router, changing default settings, utilizing guest networks, employing the latest security protocols, disabling unnecessary features, keeping your devices updated, and activating your router’s firewall, you create a robust defense against potential cyber threats.

Remember, the security of your digital life begins at home. Implementing these seven steps will significantly enhance your network’s protection, safeguarding your personal information and providing peace of mind in our digital age. Stay vigilant, stay secure, and enjoy the benefits of a safe, connected home.

Eric Sandler

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